

In the past I wasn't so fond of this brand... I dunno why now...because they have amazing stuff!!

My little haul:

Btw. the shopping bag from L'Occitane is very beautiful. The colours and the motive.. so inspiring! *love*

Rose 4 Reines Bath Soap
It smells truly full of roses! The packaging is easy and nice too. Hadn't the chance to try them yet but I will tell you if they are as nice as they smell (*-`ω´- )

Rose 4 Reines Velvet Hand Cream
Since I love scent of roses in lotions this one is just the right for me. I prefer these lotions over perfumes because the scent of perfumes are often too strong for me. 

The smell of this little handcream is just amazing! AND it lasts like forever!! (^O^☆♪

I also enjoy the pink, wine and gold themed packaging.

I received this Pivoine Flora Shower Gel as a gift with my purchase. Horraay who doesn't love gifts right?^^

12 Kommentare:

  1. Oh wie süss *_* wo findest du nur immer solche Sachen? Ich liebe deine Fotos, die sind immer so schön. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

    1. Danke ^v^ Aber in letzter Zeit haben alle meine Fotos so einen blaustich... echt ätzend XD und hab kA wie ich das ändern soll >.<

  2. The packing looks so beautiful! : D I love it!

  3. the packaging is so cutee :D

    followed you xx

  4. Ich war in meinem Leipzigurlaub auch zum ersten Mal bei L'Occitane und
    die haben wirklich tolle Sachen! Aber sooo teuer... ich bin ja von Lush
    schon einiges gewöhnt, aber hab hier dann doch erstmal nur eine kleine
    Tube Handcreme zum Testen mitgenommen. LG aNna

    1. Ja, es ist teuer ! Hab auch ewig überlegt ob ich was kaufen soll XD

  5. wow the packaging is so beautiful.. I've never tried L'occitane before but it def looks like its worth it.

    By the way, I am having a giveaway...hope you'll get a chance to check it out ^_^

    1. You should try it my dear ! Very nice giveaway btw :-)

  6. lovely review!! i need to check this out i love anything that has a scent of roses lol :)
